Service Description: Data suppressed for confidentiality or reliability
Service ItemId: 1b51e0ebb21f413e9a98f34b1ce3d220
Has Versioned Data: false
Max Record Count: 1000
Supported query Formats: JSON
Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: False
Supports Shared Templates: False
All Layers and Tables
Description: From:
When the numbers of cases (or deaths) used to compute the incidence (and death) rates (and trends) are small, those rates (and trends) tend to have poor reliability. Therefore, to discourage misinterpretation and misuse of counts, rates, and trends that are unstable because of the small number of cases or deaths, these statistics are not shown in tables and figures if the counts are less than 16 for the time period. A count of less than approximately 16 in a numerator results in a standard error of the rate that is approximately 25% or more as large as the rate itself. Equivalently, a count of less than approximately 16 results in the width of the 95% confidence interval around the rate being at least as large as the rate itself. These relationships were derived under the assumption of a Poisson process and with the standard population age distribution close to the observed population age distribution.
Another important reason for employing a cell suppression threshold value is to protect the confidentiality of patients whose data are included in a report by reducing or eliminating the risk of identity disclosure. The cell suppression threshold value of 16, which was selected to reduce misuse and misinterpretation of unstable rates and trends in this report, is more than sufficient to protect patient confidentiality given the low level of geographic and clinical detail provided.
Copyright Text: Esri, National Cancer Institute, National Vital Statistics System public use data file, County Health Rankings & Roadmap, Esri
Spatial Reference: 102003 (102003)
Initial Extent:
XMin: -2806084.92594189
YMin: -107751.649038463
XMax: 2333192.01927867
YMax: 1788785.47736912
Spatial Reference: 102003 (102003)
Full Extent:
XMin: -7115145.16075325
YMin: -1337508.08053865
XMax: 2258208.83179409
YMax: 4591512.18512005
Spatial Reference: 102003 (102003)
Units: esriMeters
Child Resources:
Supported Operations:
Get Estimates