Service Description: Areas where there are no data
Service ItemId: 0928fbe5831846a6ab2db3722bdcb081
Has Versioned Data: false
Max Record Count: 1000
Supported query Formats: JSON
Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: False
Supports Shared Templates: False
All Layers and Tables
Description: This layer helps to show where there are no data.
Copyright Text: Esri
Spatial Reference: 102003 (102003)
Initial Extent:
XMin: -3784933.63852616
YMin: -597601.034900913
XMax: 3215955.36325184
YMax: 2418654.99761115
Spatial Reference: 102003 (102003)
Full Extent:
XMin: -2353138.44064736
YMin: -1295638.09308411
XMax: 2256226.56368511
YMax: 1565580.63386683
Spatial Reference: 102003 (102003)
Units: esriMeters
Child Resources:
Supported Operations:
Get Estimates