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This dataset, created in June 2013, provides an indication of the likelihood of a flood occurring from storm tide inside the Brisbane City Council local government area. This layer contributes to the storm tide Flood Awareness Map.
Storm tide flooding happens when a storm surge creates higher than normal sea levels. A storm surge can occur due to a low atmospheric pressure meteorological system and/or strong on-shore winds force sea levels to rise above normal levels among other reasons. Flooding can also occur from king tides. King tides occur throughout the year and are higher than normal tides. Low lying parts of Brisbane and the Bayside suburbs may experience storm tide flooding. Tide affected areas of the river, tidal creeks and other waterways may also be affected.
There are four different storm tide flooding likelihood areas in Flood Awareness Map, namely High, Medium, Low and very low.
The storm tide High likelihood layer consists of the current 5% Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) (20 year Average Recurrence Interval (ARI)) (2.1mAHD) storm tide flood extent.
The storm tide Medium likelihood layer consists of the current 1% AEP / 100 year ARI (2.5mAHD) storm tide flood extent (outside high likelihood area).
The storm tide Low likelihood layer consists of the 0.2% AEP / 500 year ARI (2.85mAHD) storm tide flood extent (outside high and medium likelihood areas).
The storm tide Very Low likelihood consists of the 0.05% AEP / 2000 year ARI (3.2mAHD) storm tide flood extent (outside high, medium and low likelihood areas).