Description: This is a point displayed dataset of in-service bridge locations throughout Minnesota. Data is gathered from bridge construction plans, inspection reports, load ratings and clearance forms prepared by all Minnesota agencies that own and maintain structures. This data is exported daily from the Structure Information Management System (SIMS) and included in the feature class attribute table. The Data is maintained by the Bridge Inventory Management Unit located at the MnDOT Bridge Office. The attribute table currently contains the following data:Bridge Number, Latitude/Longitude, UTM X/Y, Location Description, MnDOT District, County, Service Description, Year Built, Owner, On/Under Information, AADT/HCAADT, Bridge Type, Bridge Length, Bridge Width, Open/Posted/Closed Status, Load Postings, NBI Ratings/Overall Condition Rating, Scour Code, and Bridge Clearances.
Copyright Text: Minnesota Deaprtment of Transportation, Bridge Inventory Management Unit