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Sets the airport flightpath for New Plymouth.
Sets the boundaries of the airport runway for the New Plymouth Airport. This dataset has not been updated since 2005. This data is not representative of the airport master plan. To be updated in the District Plan review.
Area defined around the CBD to protect trees with amenity value. Refer to Appendix 24 of the District Plan for more information.
Designations are defined under the Resource Management Act (RMA) to define appropriate use for land.
Designations are defined under the Resource Management Act (RMA) to define appropriate use for land.
Areas defining the main entrances to New Plymouth City. This dataset has not been updated since 2005.
Identifies particular environment areas (i.e. zones) that are identified in the NPDC District Plan. This dataset has been changed periodically since 2005 as areas have been re-zoned.
Identifies indicative faultline. Original data sourced from GNS Science, accurate at a scale of 1:250,000. This data has not been updated since 2005.
Area identified as coastal hazard. This has not been updated since 2005.
Areas subject to flood detention and spillways, ponding and floodplain hazards.This data has not been updated since 1998. Data has been on old NPDC asset management plans.
Area identified for volcanic hazard. This data has not been updated since 2005. Data was captured at a coarse scale and should not be used for accurate analysis.
Identifies heritage buildings and items of historical importance. This layer includes buildings classified into Heritage A, B and C categories. Category A features are subject to rules in the District Plan. User Defined Registry (UDR) data from TechnologyOne is joined to the dataset nightly to include additional attribution.
Identifies potential future roads in urban areas.
Natural value points include priority water body points along significant rivers as well as significant coastal areas.
This dataset shows the boundaries of significant and outstanding landscapes within NPDC.
Noise control boundaries are placed around Port Taranaki and the New Plymouth Airport. Boundaries have not been updated.
Notable trees are trees identified with important values. User Defined Registry (UDR) values from TechnologyOne are joined nightly to the dataset to provide additional attribution.
Preferred esplanade strips are identified along rivers in the District to address public access issues. This dataset has been updated periodically since 2005.
Areas with controls on retaining verandahs in New Plymouth, Inglewood and Waitara.
Roads are divided into roading categories. This dataset has not been updated since 2005. Note: refer to Appendix 23 of the NPDC District Plan for the rural roading hierarchy.
Significant Natural Areas (SNA) are areas of significant indigenous vegetation.
Significant Natural Areas (SNA) are areas of significant indigenous vegetation.
Shows structure plan for urban growth areas including Huatoki Street, Egmont Road and Waitara Area A.
Viewshafts are areas identified with important views from public places.
1:5,000 sheets created by DOSLI to maximise printable area.
1:30,000 sheets created by DOSLI to maximise printable area.