ArcGIS REST Services Directory

US_Census_Age_Gender (FeatureServer)

View In:   Map Viewer

Service Description: This service contains demographics about age and gender from the 2010 Census.

Service ItemId: 306a3cf93cc543a996d0582918b09268

Has Versioned Data: false

Max Record Count: 3500

Supported query Formats: JSON

Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: False

Supports Shared Templates: False

All Layers and Tables


Description: This service contains demographics about age and gender from the 2010 Census. There are State, County, Census Tract, and Census Block Group boundaries which contain the same set of attributes. The map scales are set for each geography in order to be viewed at optimal viewing ranges.

Copyright Text: U.S Census Bureau

Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)

Initial Extent:
Full Extent:
Units: esriMeters

Child Resources:   Info

Supported Operations:   Query   ConvertFormat   Get Estimates   Create Replica