Service Description: This dataset was created for statistical purposes and to perform population calculations.
Service ItemId: af2e56153d0748c18c7c576d843ce97a
Has Versioned Data: false
Max Record Count: 2000
Supported query Formats: JSON
Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: False
Supports Shared Templates: False
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Description: This dataset is a complication of Statistics Canada Dissemination Block with associated population data from the 2021 Census. According to Statistics Canada, a Dissemination Block (DB) is an area bounded on all sides by roads and/or boundaries of standard geographic areas and is the smallest geographic area for which population and dwelling count data are disseminated. The original file contain the boundaries of all dissemination blocks which combine to cover all of Canada but this feature class represents only the dissemination blocks for Halifax Regional Municipality.
Copyright Text: Statistics Canada 2021 Census Dissemination Block Boundary file,
Statistics Canada 2021 Census Dissemination Block Population and dwelling counts: DB.csv
Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)
Initial Extent:
XMin: -7091466.98414735
YMin: 5558025.85297135
XMax: -7069314.01612878
YMax: 5575804.25629365
Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)
Full Extent:
XMin: -7150852.2804
YMin: 5453865.6653
XMax: -6642514.2329
YMax: 5665058.4978
Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)
Units: esriMeters
Child Resources:
Supported Operations:
Get Estimates