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Vienna’s city hiking trails cover over 240 kilometers, mostly through the Vienna Woods on the edge of the city or through Vienna’s local recreation areas. They are well sign posted and can be reached by public transportation. Amenities along the trails, include forest playgrounds, seating and tables at viewpoints and on forest meadows, inns, stamping points for hiking passes.
City hiking trail 1 - Kahlenberg
City hiking trail 1a - Leopoldsberg
City hiking trail 2 - Hermannskogel
City hiking trail 3 - Hameau
Stadtwanderweg 4 - Jubilee Observatory
City hiking trail 4a - Ottakring
City hiking trail 5 - Bisamberg
City hiking trail 6 - Zugberg-Maurer Wald
City hiking trail 7 - Laaer Berg
City hiking trail 8 - Sophienalpe
City hiking trail 9 - Prater