ArcGIS REST Services Directory

FloodRiskBuildings (FeatureServer)

View In:   Map Viewer

Service Description:

Service ItemId: 1f4ddd9069734be29ae088a82f7d19e8

Has Versioned Data: false

Max Record Count: 2000

Supported query Formats: JSON

Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: True

Supports Shared Templates: False

All Layers and Tables



Polygons representing the shape of buildings compiled from various scales and sources. The polygons can represent footprints, rooflines, pedways or podiums.

The data was collected with various methods including scanning & rectifying location certificates, digitizing from air photography.

This dataset is still a work in progress and there is ongoing work to improve graphic representations and improve completeness.


Copyright Text:

Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)

Initial Extent:
Full Extent:
Units: esriMeters

Child Resources:   Info

Supported Operations:   Query   ConvertFormat   Get Estimates