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"digitSeparator": false }, "visible": true, "label": "2023 Total Population Age 55-59 (Esri)" }, { "fieldName": "POP60_CY", "isEditable": true, "format": { "places": 0, "digitSeparator": false }, "visible": true, "label": "2023 Total Population Age 60-64 (Esri)" }, { "fieldName": "POP65_CY", "isEditable": true, "format": { "places": 0, "digitSeparator": false }, "visible": true, "label": "2023 Total Population Age 65-69 (Esri)" }, { "fieldName": "POP70_CY", "isEditable": true, "format": { "places": 0, "digitSeparator": false }, "visible": true, "label": "2023 Total Population Age 70-74 (Esri)" }, { "fieldName": "POP75_CY", "isEditable": true, "format": { "places": 0, "digitSeparator": false }, "visible": true, "label": "2023 Total Population Age 75-79 (Esri)" }, { "fieldName": "POP80_CY", "isEditable": true, "format": { "places": 0, "digitSeparator": false }, "visible": true, "label": "2023 Total Population Age 80-84 (Esri)" }, { "fieldName": "POP85_CY", "isEditable": true, "format": { 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"EMP_CY", "isEditable": true, "format": { "places": 0, "digitSeparator": false }, "visible": true, "label": "2023 Employed Civilian Population Age 16+ (Esri)" }, { "fieldName": "UNEMP_CY", "isEditable": true, "format": { "places": 0, "digitSeparator": false }, "visible": true, "label": "2023 Unemployed Population Age 16+ (Esri)" }, { "fieldName": "UNEMPRT_CY", "isEditable": true, "format": { "places": 6, "digitSeparator": false }, "visible": true, "label": "2023 Unemployment Rate (Esri)" }, { "fieldName": "CIVLF16_CY", "isEditable": true, "format": { "places": 0, "digitSeparator": false }, "visible": true, "label": "2023 Civilian Population 16-24 in Labor Force (Esri)" }, { "fieldName": "EMPAGE16CY", "isEditable": true, "format": { "places": 0, "digitSeparator": false }, "visible": true, "label": "2023 Employed Civilian Population Age 16-24 (Esri)" }, { "fieldName": "UNAGE16CY", "isEditable": true, "format": { "places": 0, "digitSeparator": false }, "visible": true, "label": "2023 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"places": 6, "digitSeparator": false }, "visible": true, "label": "2023 Economic Dependency Ratio (Esri)" }, { "fieldName": "HISPPOP_CY", "isEditable": true, "format": { "places": 0, "digitSeparator": false }, "visible": true, "label": "2023 Hispanic Population (Esri)" }, { "fieldName": "NHSPWHT_CY", "isEditable": true, "format": { "places": 0, "digitSeparator": false }, "visible": true, "label": "2023 White Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)" }, { "fieldName": "NHSPBLK_CY", "isEditable": true, "format": { "places": 0, "digitSeparator": false }, "visible": true, "label": "2023 Black/African American Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)" }, { "fieldName": "NHSPAI_CY", "isEditable": true, "format": { "places": 0, "digitSeparator": false }, "visible": true, "label": "2023 American Indian/Alaska Native Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)" }, { "fieldName": "NHSPASN_CY", "isEditable": true, "format": { "places": 0, "digitSeparator": false }, "visible": true, "label": "2023 Asian Non-Hispanic Population 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"2023 Households in Low Income Tier (Esri)" }, { "fieldName": "MDTRHH_CY", "isEditable": true, "format": { "places": 0, "digitSeparator": false }, "visible": true, "label": "2023 Households in Middle Income Tier (Esri)" }, { "fieldName": "UPTRHH_CY", "isEditable": true, "format": { "places": 0, "digitSeparator": false }, "visible": true, "label": "2023 Households in Upper Income Tier (Esri)" }, { "fieldName": "DI0_CY", "isEditable": true, "format": { "places": 0, "digitSeparator": false }, "visible": true, "label": "2023 Disposable Income less than $15,000 (Esri)" }, { "fieldName": "DI15_CY", "isEditable": true, "format": { "places": 0, "digitSeparator": false }, "visible": true, "label": "2023 Disposable Income $15,000-$24,999 (Esri)" }, { "fieldName": "DI25_CY", "isEditable": true, "format": { "places": 0, "digitSeparator": false }, "visible": true, "label": "2023 Disposable Income $25,000-$34,999 (Esri)" }, { "fieldName": "DI35_CY", "isEditable": true, "format": { "places": 0, 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