ArcGIS REST Services Directory

Legislative_Districts_of_NJ_Hosted_3857 (FeatureServer)

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Service Description: To provide current legislative boundaries for New Jersey and information about legislative representation. These districts were established during re-districting after the 2010 decennial census. This revised version of the spatial data was created in order to overlay properly with high-quality vector framework GIS data published by the State of New Jersey. This feature class and AGO layer are updated periodically to maintain current geography and officeholders. Future and past geography are available separately. The Web Mercator data layer is intended for use with data from ArcGIS online.

Service ItemId: e8ca894e9a1c4ce3aa6779d489ae71a3

Has Versioned Data: false

Max Record Count: 2000

Supported query Formats: JSON

Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: False

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The Legislative District polygon spatial layer Govt_admin_legdis_3857 delineates the legislative districts for New Jersey, beginning with the elections of 2011. The spatial data are based mainly on the NJ Municipal Boundaries layer Govt_admin_municipal_bnd (fka nj_munis), rather than Census Bureau geographic data (TIGER.)

Information on officeholders is derived from the legislative roster provided by the NJ Office of Legislative Services. It is updated infrequently and should be checked from an independent source before use.

***NOTE*** For users who incorporate NJOGIS services into web maps and/or web applications, please sign up for the NJ Geospatial Forum discussion listserv for early notification of service changes. Visit for more information.

Copyright Text: NJ Office of Legislative Services (NJ OLS) NJ Office of Information Technology, Office of GIS (NJOGIS) NJ Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Information Technology, Bureau of Geographic Information Systems (BGIS)

Spatial Reference: 102711 (3424)

Initial Extent:
Full Extent:
Units: esriFeet

Child Resources:   Info

Supported Operations:   Query