Description: Rivers derived from REC2 (River Environment Classification, v2.0)for illustration purposes within the catchments of Outstanding Water Bodies
Description: Lakes digitised from Aerial Imagery (High Resolution and KiwImage) at scales of 1:1,000 to 1:3,000 for use in the Regional Plan maps.In 2012, the council commissioned NIWA to rank Northland lakes based on their ecological values (Northland Lakes Strategy - modified Feb 2013 OBJ REF A295857). It identified 12 lakes as being outstanding (see page 21 of the report). Shortly after, the Council moved a motion to identify and protect them as outstanding freshwater bodies, which we intend to do through the new regional plan.
Name: Outstanding Freshwater Bodies - Lake Catchments - - Proposed Regional Plan (Decisions Version)
Display Field: NAME
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: Policy 9.5.1 of the Regional Water and Soil Plan lists eight water bodies, parts of water bodies, that are categorised as having outstanding values. The water bodies are also shown in the Regional Water and Soil Plan maps. We will propose that these water bodies/parts of water bodies are identified and protected as “outstanding freshwater bodies” in accordance with the direction in the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2014 (NPS-FM).In 2012, the council commissioned NIWA to rank Northland lakes based on their ecological values (Northland Lakes Strategy - modified Feb 2013 OBJ REF A295857). It identified 12 lakes as being outstanding (see page 21 of the report). Shortly after, the Council moved a motion to identify and protect them as outstanding freshwater bodies, which we intend to do through the new regional plan.
Name: Coastal Water Quality Management Units - Proposed Regional Plan (Decisions Version)
Display Field: Type
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: This dataset is part of the Proposed Regional Plan. It has no legal effect.Northlands' Coastal waters are classified into four water quality management units; the estarine reach of the Hatea River, Tidal Creeks, Estuaries, and the Open Coast. Each management unit has associated water quality standards for protecting the health of the aquatic ecosystems and humans, (contact recreation and shellfish consumption). The standards are applied in regional rules for discharges of contaminants into coastal waters.This data was updated to follow the CMA as at June 2017.
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